it is no coincidence that many of these objects constitute collections that have been purposively and systematically gathered and preserved. people we have interviewed commonly cite a number of "special" objects including photographs, keepsakes, heirlooms, and valuables. Thus, we move between empirical and conceptual approaches to the topic, as was true in the development of this research project over its five year history to date.Īsked what things they would save in a fire. Throughout, we draw on the relevant literature and on data supplied by informants both during and after the Consumer Behavior Odyssey. In this-chapter, we define collecting, review its history, and present a grounded theory of its meanings, motivations, moments, and modes before concluding with an assessment of its social desirability. In contemporary America, collecting has become a pervasive phenomenon that reflects many aspects of the modem consumer culture. Highways and Buyways: Naturalistic Research from the Consumer Behavior Odyssey, 1991 Pages 178-215 Russell Belk, Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 178-215.

Holbrook (1991) ,"Collecting in a Consumer Culture", in SV - Highways and Buyways: Naturalistic Research from the Consumer Behavior Odyssey, eds. Thus, we move between empirical and conceptual approaches to the topic, as was true in the development of this research project over its five year history to date.

ABSTRACT - In contemporary America, collecting has become a pervasive phenomenon that reflects many aspects of the modem consumer culture.